Wednesday, 24 March 2021

The five ways COVID has changed marketing (part 3)

Okay, so you've got your digital storefront set up. You've penned some marketing messaging with a focus on the working-from-home revolution. Now, how do you actually deliver that message? This one should seem pretty obvious, but digital marketing should be your first, second, and last port of call in the post-COVID world.

#3: Digital First, Second, and Last

What's the first thing you check on your phone in the morning when you wake up? Maybe the weather? Possibly your text messages? In the US, 25% of people will check their email as their first app. In Europe and Asia, that number is even higher. Email has this reputation as being antiquated, ineffective and "not sexy". A fancy TV commercial is sexy. Handing out free samples in stores is sexy. A big flashy billboard downtown is sexy. Sending out an email is not sexy. 

But that reputation couldn't be further from the truth (except, I will maybe concede on the sexiness factor). Time and time again data has shown that email is one of the most effective channels out there in getting your customers to exchange. It's something everyone has, everyone checks regularly, and in the post-COVID world, when people are staying in more and going out less, it's the most efficient way of getting your message out to your customers.

A client I worked for exclusively used in-app notifications and in-store marketing materials as it's CRM. I had to fight tooth and nail to convince them that email was the way to go, but kept getting pushback. "People don't use email in this country. You're not from here, you don't understand". But I was persistent, and when we finally launched our email channel, we saw open rates soar from 3% to 25%, click-through penetration rates spike, and overall engagement balloon.

Check in next week for #4: A Premium Brand Experience

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